Processing of Water for Bottling.
I n I n d i a , t h e q u a l i t y o f drinking water is very poor i n
c omp a r i s o n t o o t h e r c o u n t r i e s . T r e a tme n t o f
wa t e r i s r e q u i r e d f o r pur i f i c a t ion. To produc e h i g h
q u a l i t y d r i n k i n g wa t e r a s p r e s c r i b e d b y t h e Wo r l d
He a l t h Or g a n i s a t i o n (WHO) ,c o n v e n t i o n a l
p r o c e s s i n g methods like coagulation, flocculation,
sedimentation, ion exchange, filtration and o x i d a t i o n e t c . a r e n o t
s u f f i c i e n t . Memb r a n e processes have advantages
over other treatment processes. Micro-filtration and ultra-filtration are said to
be very useful inremoving micro-organisms. Reverse osmosis membranes
are used to remove various contaminants found in drinking water.
A combination of reverse osmosis and de-ionisation can be used to
produce high quality water.
Bottle Filling
Before filling, freshly manufactured plastic bottles are rinsed and inverted
from where they go for filling on a rotary bottle filler. The water flows from
the filler bowl into the bottles via ventra flow valves. These valves use
an airlock method for accurate filling. The variation is no more than
5mm. When liquid reaches the end of the valve sleeve, air cannot escape.
Pressure is created at the top of the bottle, and no more liquid can enter.
The airlock method provides consistent, repetitive filling and reduced
product loss. The fillers are available in a wide range of configurations and
are adaptable to a variety of capping systems. IS : 14543 - 1998
(Specification for Packaged Drinking Water) prescribes the hygienic practices
to be followed in respect of collecting water, its treatment, bottling,
storage, packaging,transport, distribution and sale for direct consumption ,
so as to guarantee a safe, hygienic and wholesome product.The
bottles are generally capped using roll-on type plastic caps,with pilfer
proof rings. PET Bottles in the Indian Market.
Bottle Labeling
The last step is the labeling of bottles. In the earlier days, gummed paper labels
were used which satisfied only the legal requirements of declaration. When
these labels came in contact with moist surface, they lost their identity. Later
shrink film plastic labels came into use for this a p p l i c a t i o n . Au t o –
s l e e v e s y s t em f o r l a b e l i n g t h e n b e came a c omme r c i a l
s u c c e s s .Auto-sleeve labels are used both for one way and refillable-multi-
trip plastic bottles. It is a stretchable label made of low density polyethylene of special grade.
The Department of Health, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has notified to carry the
following declaration on the label of the disposable bottle of mineral water or
packaged drinking water.
The notification will be published in the Gazette of India and the rule will come into force from
01/04/2004.Other labeling requirements should be as per PFA Rules and
Packaged Commodities Rules as prescribed in IS: 14543 – 1998 (Specification for
Packaged Drinking Water).
Packaging Requirements
It is well known that drinking water should be packed in clean, colourless, odourless,
clear, tamperproof containers, which are hygienically safe. Much of the water is packaged
in similar bottles as carbonated soft drinks, and would, therefore, carry many of the same
requirements.Strength Unlike carbonated drinks, the bottles filled with still water need
only enough strength to hold water and to survive impact.Colour and Clarity
Clarity is one of the most important requirements and is the main reason why clear bottles of
plastics are used. A resin with higher levels of co-polymer adds to the clarity. As regards the
light blue colour in the bottles, this is permissible for one time use bottles. However in India,
the BIS (Bureau of India Standards) has prescribed colourless bottles for multi trip
/reusable containers. S i n c e c u r r e n t l y a lmo s t a l l t h e b o t t l e r s u s e
b l u e c o l o u r e d c o n t a i n e r s , s t u d i e s h a v e
commenced at IIP to establish whether blue colour helps to reduce the UV effect and the
percentage of blue colour that could be considered to be added without affecting the clarity
of the bottle.PurityBecause water is a flavourless product, using a plastic that remains
tasteless and odourless isimperative. Mandatory Certification To prevent adulteration,
the quality of the bottle and its sealing drew great attention and concern. The
standardisation of the quality of the water and the bottles was not thought of earlier. There
was a concern whether mushrooming brands in packaged drinking water would really ensure
quality and safety. The provisions of mandatory BIS certification and that of Prevention of Food
Adulteration Act (PFA) have brought in assurance to the consumers that packaged drinking
water is trustworthy.The Indian Standard IS: 14543 – 1998 prescribes the quality and
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