Thursday, November 3, 2011

Water Exploration

Ground Water Propecting :
Exploitation of groundwater resources is well estimated in India. Wells have long been catering to the domestic water needs. The groundwater is ubiquitous, most dependable and obviates the need for costly transport systems. The structure can be put to use with ease and speed. More than 85% of rural drinking water needs and about 50% urban water supplies are contributed through grounwater. The prospecting of ground water has so far been based on an adhoc methodology.
Advances in scientific knowledge on the existence of groundwater resources have led to savings in terms of time, effort and money.
The modern scientific approach mainly employs the study of resistivity contrast and density contrast to delineate water bearing underground geologic structures. The resistivity survey is based on the principle that water alters the electrical resistivity and enhances the pattern of electric current flow. Data on earth’s resistivity and spontaneous polarisation potential is used in water prospecting. The charges in electrical resistivity trast method, the travel time of seismic waves between two locations is interpreted. This method is useful for multi-layered rock sequence of sufficient thickness.....{ Read More..}

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